We make getting your Missouri medical marijuana card quick and easy.


Even though the Missouri Medical Marijuana Program is active, it is still incredibly difficult to find a medical marijuana doctor who is willing to provide the certification needed to get your marijuana card. Our family ran into this problem after moving to Michigan to apply for medical marijuana cards several years ago.

No one should be denied the medicine they need.

Our highly qualified staff is ready to help you access cannabis legally as a medical marijuana patient. We will help you through the entire process from start to finish, ending with you receiving your Missouri medical marijuana card! Your marijuana card allows you to use cannabis in private, possess up to four ounces, grow your own, and access any state-licensed marijuana dispensary.


How to Get Your Missouri Medical Marijuana Card


Frequently Asked Questions

What medical conditions qualify me for a marijuana card?

Patients must have at least ONE qualifying medical condition in order to get a Missouri medical marijuana card. The most common qualifying condition is chronic pain, this includes migraines, arthritis, fibromyaligia, and general body pain caused by overexertion, accidents, aging, and more. Certain mental health conditions, like anxiety and depression, are also common conditions that allow you to get your marijuana card.

Do I need medical documentation to show at my marijuana doctor evaluation?

Medical documentation is strongly encouraged, but NOT required. If you are able to, please bring ONE of the following items with you:

— Records or notes from a doctor’s visit

— Discharge summaries from a hospital visit

— Referrals or notes from a chiropractor or other medical professional

— Current prescription medication, or your prescription history printed from your local pharmacy

— Proof of prior medical marijuana status in another state

Medical documentation helps the doctor more quickly reach a medical marijuana treatment decision!

What can I do with a Medical Marijuana Card?

Getting a Missouri medical marijuana card can give you and your loved ones peace of mind by offering you legal protection. With a marijuana card, you can legally use cannabis in private, possess up to four ounces of dried marijuana (or the equivalent in edibles, tinctures, etc.), and even grow your own marijuana plants! A medical marijuana card also allows you to purchase at any state-licensed dispensary.

Can I grow marijuana?

Yes, you can grow your own! Each patient will be allowed to grow six flowering plants, six non-flowering plants, and six clones in an enclosed, locked facility. The fee for the medical marijuana grower card is $100.

Can I use my Missouri Medical Marijuana Card Out of State?

Some states, such as Nevada and Michigan, will recognize your Missouri medical marijuana card. You will be able to use your Missouri medical marijuana card to purchase from most dispensaries while in these states. Other states, such as Oklahoma and Arkansas, recognize out-of-state medical marijuana patients who apply for a temporary medical marijuana card to use while visiting. Certain states, such as Colorado and Illinois, will not recognize your Missouri medical marijuana card, and will expect you to purchase marijuana under their recreational use laws.

Will employers know I'm a medical marijuana patient?

No, your medical marijuana status will not be made public because it is considered part of your Protected Health Information (PHI). Just like any other doctor's visit or medical treatment you receive, the information you share with our medical team is considered private and confidential. The Department of Health and Senior Services, which is the state agency overseeing the medical marijuana program, likewise will safeguard your PHI. Your medical marijuana status will not show up on any kind of background check.

Is cannabis the same thing as CBD?

No, cannabis and CBD are not the same thing. A cannabis plant, also called marijuana, contains hundreds of different cannabinoids. These cannabinoids interact with our body's naturally occuring endocannabinoid system to offer pain relief and different healing effects. CBD is one of these many cannabinoids. CBD is not psychoactive and cannot get you "high." When you smoke marijuana, or eat an edible, you are ingesting all of the plants cannabinoids, including THC. THC is the cannabinoid commonly known for its psychoactive qualities, and oftentimes offers the best pain relief for patients. You do not need a medical marijuana card to use CBD, but you do need a marijuana card to use cannabis/marijuana.